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Leading a church is hard work. We get it. And the church leader is burdened with more than the organizational needs. They carry the weight of their congregation’s personal hopes, dreams, struggles, and failures – often at great sacrifice. The calling of a pastor is no small thing. Our curated resources for the local church will help bring clarity on areas of church leadership that you may simply have not had time to consider. We love the church. We believe in her calling. Stand strong.

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Why Leadership Matters?

Intentional leadership development is an often overlooked, but critically important piece of any successful organizational structure. Learn more from our guest post from, Jonny Reeve, Executive Director at Front Porch Partnership.

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Don’t Underestimate the Value of Rest

Ministry leadership is an incredibly demanding and rewarding calling. It’s a role…

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5 Human Resource Strategies To help Stabalize & grow your ministry

Far too many small nonprofits and churches don’t think human resources is…

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6 Reasons Your Ministry Should Consider Outsourcing your Bookkeeping

Bookkeeping, when talked about by ministry leaders, is not something that engenders…

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The Case for a 48-week Church Budget

At first glance, if you are like most of humanity, you will…

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Practical Tips to Avoiding Ministry Burnout

Burnout among ministry leaders is a very real issue, and has been…

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The latest bill that just passed congress has a VERY GOOD NEWS…

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Why a consultant can help move your ministry forward

Have you ever felt like the vision and mission you feel called…

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Common Internal Controls All Nonprofits Should Have in Place

Nobody likes to talk about internal controls, and that is understandable considering…

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Top 3 Traits of a successful tech training program

When it comes to building an effective training process, there are three…


A Big-Picture Look at Achieving Multi-Camera Live Streaming on a Church Budget

The following article first appeared on We have reposted it in…


The Inherent Risk of Guest WiFi Access at Your Church

This article was originally posted at XPastor. It has been reposted with…

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