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Originally Presented: March 22, 2023

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Grant Station 2023 TargetED Webinar Series

To view the webinar, click on the associated thumbnail image.

2023 Funding Trends:
How To Maximize Your Efforts

April 3, 2023

Funding For Faith Based Organizations

April 17, 2023

How To Secure Matching Funds

May 1, 2023

Achieve Your Mission With National Service Programs

May 15, 2023

How to Partner with Local Government

June 5, 2023

How To Secure Matching Funds

May 1, 2023

Grant Station 2024 TargetED Webinar Series: Boost Your Grant Success

July 8 - September 23, 2024

Writing winning grant proposals can be a daunting task that leaves many nonprofits feeling stressed, confused, and overwhelmed. If you struggle with the grant application process, spend too much time writing proposals that do not get funded, or simply need assistance with the process, this series is designed for you.

Over six sessions, GrantStation President Alice Ruhnke will guide you through the entire grant proposal process. The series will offer an approach to proposal writing that can be used repeatedly and will help you secure grants more often.

Join each webinar by clicking the corresponding button below. As the slides become available, we will post them here as well.

Read Between the Lines: How to Read a Request for Proposals

July 8, 2024

One key to grantseeking success is understanding exactly what funders are looking for and knowing how to tailor information to each specific funder’s format so you don’t have to reinvent the wheel for each application. During this TargetED, Alice Ruhnke will outline how to read an RFP and set up your responses to meet each grantmaker’s instructions.

Building Credibility in Your Background Section

July 15, 2024

First impressions matter. That is why the background section of your grant proposal needs to immediately establish your organization’s credibility with a funder. During this session, Alice will demonstrate how you can use your background section to quickly show you’re an organization that gets things done.

Writing a Compelling Statement of Need 

August 5, 2024

Funders want to address real problems in their giving areas, which means your proposal must demonstrate why your program is necessary and important to your community. During this session, Alice will show you how to craft a compelling statement of need that highlights the importance of your project in your community.

Crafting a Process and Outcome Evaluation 

August 19, 2024

When writing proposals, you should clearly demonstrate the impact of your work. Providing the number of classes held or participants served is useful information, but it isn’t enough because funders want to know… "So what?"  What difference will your program make? How will it change people's lives? And how will you measure those changes? During this session, Alice will show you how to use outcomes and indicators so you can answer a funder’s “So what?” question confidently.

Building an Approach That Gets Noticed

September 9, 2024

The approach section of your proposals should be aligned with the needs you previously identified, your proposed outcomes, your budget, and the funder’s requirements. With so many factors to consider, it's easy to make mistakes and write an approach that has insufficient detail or is misaligned with other portions of your proposal. During this session, Alice will show you how to build an approach that inspires confidence in your program and shows it is well-planned, feasible, and builds on community assets.

Developing Project Budgets That Make Sense 

September 23, 2024

Even small errors and omissions in your budget or budget narrative can undermine the credibility of the proposal and reduce the chances of funding. Beyond that, your project budgets must demonstrate you can truly achieve your goals while keeping costs reasonable. During this session, Alice will show you how you can develop a project budget that makes sense: one that justifies all of your proposed costs and demonstrates you’ll be an effective steward of the grantmaker’s funds.

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