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We, like you, love leadership mantras like John Maxwell’s, “Leadership is influence, nothing more, nothing less.” Our desire is to help you and your ministry gain influence in your community. Our Leadership resources are for leaders who want to be better in their leadership. The following articles will help you joyfully reach higher and lead more effectively. You can do it. 

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3 Kinds of Executive Pastors

  (This article originally posted on on Feb. 18, 2013. It…

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Whatever Happened To Old Fashioned Repentance?

  “Repentance is an about face from sin and dead works to…

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What Is The Deason Rule?

“This article was written by our friends at Aplos, who just released…

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Finding The Right Board Members For Your Nonprofit

Printer-friendly version Entire books have been written about the art of cultivating,…


Are We Producing Cymbalic Fruit?

  I have been working on a manuscript for a while now…

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They Just Don’t Get It: Why Big Church Solutions Can’t Fix Small Church Problems

As a general rule, we love the emphasis that Karl Vaters places on drawing attention to the small church. After all, the average church in the United States, is in fact a small church of a median size of 75 people. And once again his latest post is right on point. We have reposted a portion of it below but be sure to click on “Read More” at the bottom to read the full posting. How many times have I said that while shaking my head after attending a conference or reading blog posts and books…

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Nonprofit Turbulence Ahead? Here are some Questions Worth Asking

The following is taken from an original post from Nonprofit Quarterly titled,…

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Shining Up Your Grant Proposal

This is a re-post of a short article on The Nonprofit Times website. To view the original post click here. by The NonProfit Times – August 29, 2016  Applying for a grant is like selling a car. You want to be sure everything is in ideal condition to earn top dollar in a competitive market. Grants are a great way to fund your organization’s mission, but making your proposal stand out from the crowd might appear to be an impossible feat. During the recent Bridge to Integrated Marketing conference in National Harbor, Md., Diane Berry Love,…

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Four Things I Wish Every Nonprofit Board Knew

Reposted by permission Earlier this week I sat in London over dinner…

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Guidestar Has Updated Your Profile!

If you are a nonprofit you should seriously consider checking out how your organization is represented on Guidestar.  They have recently updated their profile pages.  For those that are not familiar this information is pulled form the IRS and whether or not you subscribed, your data is there for the public.  So, at the very least, you should look at you profile and register for free to be able to update the information. For a good overview of the changes click on this article posted by Nonprofit Quarterly.  

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Three Warning Signs Your Life Is Drifting from Your Vision

Harvard business professor John Kotter has stated, “Behavior from important people that…

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No Strategic Plan? Huge Mistake!

A Harvard Business article lists the 17 fundamental traits of organizational effectiveness. The first and most poignant one is that “everyone [in your organization] has a good idea of the decisions and actions for which he or she is responsible.” It seems pretty basic, right? Do you have a “good idea” of the decision and actions each person in your organization is responsible for, including the board of directors? If not, the strategic road map for the organization is lacking. We often talk about strategic planning but, semantically, if want to take it to the next level,…

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