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Christians Should Celebrate Independence Day

We live in a Christian sub-culture that will, invariably, chide anyone who…

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The latest bill that just passed congress has a VERY GOOD NEWS…

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[guest post]: Why You Should Use WordPress and GiveWP for Online Church Fundraising

The following article is a guest post from our partner, GiveWP A…

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3 Kinds of Executive Pastors

  (This article originally posted on on Feb. 18, 2013. It…

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Finding Mid-Level Donors

“This article was written by our friends at Aplos, who just released…


Whatever Happened To Old Fashioned Repentance?

  “Repentance is an about face from sin and dead works to…

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Who Needs An Executive Pastor Anyway?

  The following article was originally published on We have reposted…

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5 Secrets Old-Pro Fundraisers Rely on to Craft Their Best Work

    This article first appeared on Reposted by permission  …


Principles for the Faith-Based Nonprofit Fundraiser

    In my pursuit of Certified Fund Raising Executive (CFRE) certification,…


New Resource: ACN Commentary

We are please to roll out today a new resource by the Association of Christian Nonprofits, the ACN Commentary.  These commentaries will be published each month, with plans on making them weekly, and will pertain to six areas of life and ministry. Arts & Media Public Policy Culture & Ethics Christian Leadership Social Service & Outreach Life & Ministry To keep up to date and be notified when new commentaries are published please follow us on the following social media platforms. Twitter:  @Nonprofits4God Facebook: @ChristianNonprofits      

Are We Producing Cymbalic Fruit?

  I have been working on a manuscript for a while now…

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They Just Don’t Get It: Why Big Church Solutions Can’t Fix Small Church Problems

As a general rule, we love the emphasis that Karl Vaters places on drawing attention to the small church. After all, the average church in the United States, is in fact a small church of a median size of 75 people. And once again his latest post is right on point. We have reposted a portion of it below but be sure to click on “Read More” at the bottom to read the full posting. How many times have I said that while shaking my head after attending a conference or reading blog posts and books…

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