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Ministry nonprofits don’t have to settle for second best. We have brought together resources to encourage small ministry nonprofits in their calling and empower them to be excellent in their work. We know you are often overlooked in your significance to the vibrancy of your community and you simply do not have the budget to do all that you want. There are too many hats for not enough people. We see you. We want you to be awesome. These resources will help you get there.

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Nonprofit Turbulence Ahead? Here are some Questions Worth Asking

The following is taken from an original post from Nonprofit Quarterly titled,…

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Shining Up Your Grant Proposal

This is a re-post of a short article on The Nonprofit Times website. To view the original post click here. by The NonProfit Times – August 29, 2016  Applying for a grant is like selling a car. You want to be sure everything is in ideal condition to earn top dollar in a competitive market. Grants are a great way to fund your organization’s mission, but making your proposal stand out from the crowd might appear to be an impossible feat. During the recent Bridge to Integrated Marketing conference in National Harbor, Md., Diane Berry Love,…

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Archive Re-Post: A Song For The Suffering

Can a song like this move a person to a more God-centered perspective regarding their suffering?  We think so. Performed by Shane & Shane with voice cut-in from John Piper’s message, “Do Not Lose Heart” delivered on July 26, 2013.

Getting the Most Out of GMAIL

As an organization, we use Google Apps as a staple in our email…

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Four Things I Wish Every Nonprofit Board Knew

Reposted by permission Earlier this week I sat in London over dinner…

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Guidestar Has Updated Your Profile!

If you are a nonprofit you should seriously consider checking out how your organization is represented on Guidestar.  They have recently updated their profile pages.  For those that are not familiar this information is pulled form the IRS and whether or not you subscribed, your data is there for the public.  So, at the very least, you should look at you profile and register for free to be able to update the information. For a good overview of the changes click on this article posted by Nonprofit Quarterly.  

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Do Christians and Muslims Worship the Same God?

[wc_box color=”info” text_align=”left”] The following was originally posted on the RZIM website. You can view the original post here. [/wc_box] Posted by Nabeel Qureshi on December 27, 2015 The Wheaton Controversy On December 15, 2015, Wheaton College, a flagship of evangelical educational institutions, placed one of its professors on administrative leave for “theological statements that seemed inconsistent with [their] doctrinal convictions.” Five days prior, donning a hijab and staking her position on a variety of controversial matters, Larycia Hawkins had stated on Facebook, “I stand in religious solidarity with Muslims because they, like me, a Christian, are…

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Three Warning Signs Your Life Is Drifting from Your Vision

Harvard business professor John Kotter has stated, “Behavior from important people that…

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No Strategic Plan? Huge Mistake!

A Harvard Business article lists the 17 fundamental traits of organizational effectiveness. The first and most poignant one is that “everyone [in your organization] has a good idea of the decisions and actions for which he or she is responsible.” It seems pretty basic, right? Do you have a “good idea” of the decision and actions each person in your organization is responsible for, including the board of directors? If not, the strategic road map for the organization is lacking. We often talk about strategic planning but, semantically, if want to take it to the next level,…

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The Church and ParaChurch can THRIVE Together

From 2008-2011 I served on the staff of a small church in Arizona as the Associate Pastor. For those not familiar with small churches, that means the Exec. Pastor, Missions Pastor, Local Outreach and Youth Pastor combined with grounds and janitorial sometimes thrown in just to keep me humble. In a small church that is just the way it is. No complaints –  a fantastically fulfilling time of my life. As part of those duties I was often the first line in receiving phone calls from para-church organizations. As a former para-church guy, I always had…

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Board of Directors Job Responsibilities

  Any member in a position of leadership in the organization, holding a position on the Board of Directors, or serving on committees, or in chapter leadership, who feels they are unable to support the mission and written policies of the organization, should tender a resignation as a volunteer leader.  Non-church nonprofits should consider developing an official Board of Directors Job Description that outlines everything that is expected of a board member. In addition 501c3 nonprofits should expect 4-6 board meetings a year with at least one in person to fulfill the federal requirements. The following…

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What You Need To Know Before Starting A Nonprofit

Introduction We are very excited that you have decided to venture in to the great area of starting a new nonprofit organization. Starting new ventures are exciting and full of anticipation.  However, there are several areas of information that you should be aware of when you start a new nonprofit. There are questions you must ask yourself first.  “Why do you want to start a nonprofit?” “What kind of nonprofit structure are you wanting create?”, etc.  There is really good information available to help you answer these important questions.  We recommend you read through 10 Questions…

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