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Does your business focus on non-profit professionals?

Reach the exact audience that needs what you have.

We help churches and non-profits increase their output while decreasing their admin costs through helping them clarify their mission and providing the best tools to move forward. 

Become a sponsor on our website and in our email list to focus your ad dollars on reaching leaders in your non-profit niche.

Your Audience

Sponsorship Options

Helping ministry focused businesses reach the audience they are made for. Together, we can make much of Jesus and see the church regain social influence in our culture.

Ministry Leaders

Our entire audience is made up of ministry and nonprofit leaders and decision makers, the exact kind of people you are looking for. 

Clear Options

We provide a number of different opportunities and mediums to get your message in front our audience. 

Options Galore

We have various mediums that you can capitalize on and spend your ad dollars wisely; website, newsletter, podcast and event sponsorship.


Site Ads

All site ads are semi-annual purchases with a choice of Jan-June and/or July-Dec.

  • Internal Post Article

    Located inside the article post after the second paragraph.
    PRICE: $250 

  • Blog Sidebar

     Located in the sidebar of all articles and resources pages.
    PRICE: $200

  • Leaderboard

    A narrow banner that appears above each article gid on the main category page.
    PRICE: $250

  • Exclusivity

    Your ad will never be rotated and will remain in your space for the duration of your ad buy.



Our newsletter enjoys an open rate of 41%, which is double the industry average for non-profit newsletters. Every month our newsletter is sent directly to over 850 subscribers as well as posted to our social accounts, with a total following of over 1K.

  • News Leaderboard

    Located at top of monthly Community News email above content.
    PRICE: $150 per mailing (max of 4X per year)

  • Exclusivity

    There is only 1 ad per newsletter, which means your ad will be the only one seen in that issue of the Alliance newsletter. 

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